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Low-Cost Sustainable Housing

Low Cost Sustainbility Housing

Typical low-cost brick house construction consists of locally sourced materials – clay brick, wood, mud, hand-mixed plaster and concrete, and corrugated metal. These materials are readily accessible, but they also allow people to build with resources found on their property for free or sourced locally for a small fee. Much of the targeted population in the area lives on less than $1/day, so they have learned to be very resourceful. The project location was chosen to ensure that all these materials are consistently available and can be locally sourced. STP International will aid in the construction of low-cost, environmentally friendly brick houses using locally sourced material, and intend to use homeowners as laborers; this may include their family and friends. We want to develop affordable housing for the homeless with the help of local community members.

Building Houses In Tharparkar

Since 2018, our team has constructed four villages in the Tharparkar area, with one in the early stages of construction. More than one hundred houses have been built, and 500 people have been rehoused. There are 200 women and children in this group.

Building Houses In Tharparkar

Since 2018, our team has constructed four villages in the Tharparkar area, with one in the early stages of construction. More than one hundred houses have been built, and 500 people have been rehoused. There are 200 women and children in this group.

A Typical House

A typical house is approximately 400sf and consists of a room, kitchen, toilet, and a courtyard. Each home has a solar-supported fan and an electric bulb.

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8 Deer View Ridge Puslinch, ON, N0B 2J0 Canada

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