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Education for All

Access To Education

Under this program, Save The People International, in partnership with the Institute of Business Management (IoBM), will develop appropriate ways for educating underprivileged groups and children who live under difficult circumstances. One approach is to employ technology to deliver education remotely to attain this goal. We believe if the technology is used appropriately, it can provide access to education to children who might otherwise be deprived of it. One persistent challenge of using technology in remote, low-income communities worldwide is that most products, services, usage models, expertise, and research related to technologies used in remote education come from high-income contexts and environments. Keeping these challenges in mind, our program consists of the following related practices and initiatives:

Online Content For Offline Use

Most of the target population lives in remote areas. These areas are not on a power grid and have no public works such as sanitation. Roads are unpaved, and some areas are inaccessible. The nearest health service is usually 50km away. For people living in these areas, transportation consists mainly of walking or riding donkeys; the trip to the nearest health facility can easily take more than four hours. The mobile clinic will be organized as a free daylong event and will occur every three months. The clinic will take place in a local mosque and be set up to protect patient privacy. It will be supervised by three to four volunteer staff – two doctors, a social worker, and a non-clinician pharmacist to dispense medications prescribed by the physicians.

Online Content For Offline Use

Most of the target population lives in remote areas. These areas are not on a power grid and have no public works such as sanitation. Roads are unpaved, and some areas are inaccessible. The nearest health service is usually 50km away. For people living in these areas, transportation consists mainly of walking or riding donkeys; the trip to the nearest health facility can easily take more than four hours. The mobile clinic will be organized as a free daylong event and will occur every three months. The clinic will take place in a local mosque and be set up to protect patient privacy. It will be supervised by three to four volunteer staff – two doctors, a social worker, and a non-clinician pharmacist to dispense medications prescribed by the physicians.

Supporting Teachers With Mobile Phones

In remote communities where teachers may face daunting challenges related to the isolation of peers and a lack of resources (including textbooks and other teaching materials), mobile phones will help support teachers in small but meaningful ways by providing access to educational content and constant cues and instruction on how to utilize this content. Short quizzes can be delivered to the students via SMS to their mobile phones to help them (and their families) assess how well they understand topics taught in class. The mobile clinic will be organized as a free daylong event and will occur every three months. The clinic will take place in a local mosque and be set up to protect patient privacy. It will be supervised by three to four volunteer staff – two doctors, a social worker, and a non-clinician pharmacist to dispense medications prescribed by the physicians.

Online Learning

The programme will provide opportunities and access to learning anytime/anywhere, expanding the availability of courses to all students regardless of location, fostering additional faculty and student engagement, enabling personalized learning, and making online education more accessible to students in remote areas.

Online Learning

The programme will provide opportunities and access to learning anytime/anywhere, expanding the availability of courses to all students regardless of location, fostering additional faculty and student engagement, enabling personalized learning, and making online education more accessible to students in remote areas.

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